Technologically Impaired
So we never really finished the prologue, I get it, quit your whining. Forget it, you won't see an ending. If that's what you came back to read, wait for the epilogue. For now, just sit back and enjoy the ride, as we begin our journey to explain my face with one of my biggest pet peeves ever.
I find it difficult to believe how many people are still unable to make simple machines work. I am currently employed at a gas station, and I am dumbfounded at the number of people who walk up to the cash register everyday, faces twisted with anger and disbelief (as if they were the almighty gods of the universe and that some "thing" decided not to cooperate with their will, pfft) and accuse me of having faulty equipment. Two things run through my mind when dealing with these irate people; 1. I don't own the god damn store prick; 2. You're an idiot, that's why you've locked yourself out of the car without realizing it yet. Most people get it, especially with the step by step instructions right there on the gas pump, which goes a little something like this.
Step 1. Swipe Card
Step 2. select card type /enter pin#
Step 3. Select Grade
Step 4. Remove Nozzle and pump
Step 5. Replace Nozzle and leave.
Simple, right? Yet day after day, I'm still amazed to see one after the other come in, with claims of busted pumps, when their credit cards have huge dents in them. We're talking about Debit cards that have so many scratches on them, you couldn't give them away to Hobos. However, I digress, it's not just Gasoline pumps I'm worried about here. I could see how a few ancient creatures still roaming the earth might be confused by having to pump their own gas. I know, I'm from Massachusetts, and not every gas station up there is self-serve. No, these occurrences of ignorance, or rather afflictions, are prominent in most places of business, education and astonishingly enough ( or rather not so surprisingly) in the home. Think about how many times you've heard someone say, "My Internet is busted." A lot, right? What no on understands is that the Internet doesn't break. It's an inanimate, immaterial, thing! If anything, you're connection in broken, in which case, it's all your fault. This leads back to something else we definitely have to go over, people no taking responsibility for their actions, but that's another headache, chapter, whatever you want to call it.
I've come to understand that most of these problems are human error which is comprised of three main elements: Haste, carelessness, and fat fingers. We'll talk about fat people later (and try not to give'em a hard time, it really isn't their fault. Most of them anyways =/ ), but seriously this is something we need to think about. Here's an anecdote for you. I woke up one morning to the sound of my banshee wailing mother, spouting off something about her computer not working. Whatever, none of my concern, got bigger fish to fry, you know. Plus it had stormed the night before and my mother doesn't really buy good surge protectors so I figure the shit blew, and the motherboard or something was fried. Making my way into the kitchen, A chowed down on some Cap'n Crunch and enjoyed the sight of my mother freaking out over this "broken machine". that is until the keyboard came flying at my face, I ducked of course, and ended up with a Q in my cereal. She'd then told me that I was on it last and I'm always breaking her stuff and blah, blah, blah. Same old routine. I looked under the desk, and it wasn't plugged in. During the storm the night before, my father, wisely, unplugged the machine and went to bed. My mother, in her fit of rage, while thinking the computer was busted managed to destroy the speakers, mouse, and keyboard. What I'm saying is, you're more like to bust the machine than it cooks itself, you know?
As much as I can't stand outsourcing, those little Asian guys make some pretty sturdy shit for such cheap parts/labor. Perhaps I'm judging to harshly though. I did have the good fortune of growing up in an environment where the latest technology was readily available to me...I don't know who I'm trying to convince. All those people are fucking RETARDED.
So we never really finished the prologue, I get it, quit your whining. Forget it, you won't see an ending. If that's what you came back to read, wait for the epilogue. For now, just sit back and enjoy the ride, as we begin our journey to explain my face with one of my biggest pet peeves ever.
I find it difficult to believe how many people are still unable to make simple machines work. I am currently employed at a gas station, and I am dumbfounded at the number of people who walk up to the cash register everyday, faces twisted with anger and disbelief (as if they were the almighty gods of the universe and that some "thing" decided not to cooperate with their will, pfft) and accuse me of having faulty equipment. Two things run through my mind when dealing with these irate people; 1. I don't own the god damn store prick; 2. You're an idiot, that's why you've locked yourself out of the car without realizing it yet. Most people get it, especially with the step by step instructions right there on the gas pump, which goes a little something like this.
Step 1. Swipe Card
Step 2. select card type /enter pin#
Step 3. Select Grade
Step 4. Remove Nozzle and pump
Step 5. Replace Nozzle and leave.
Simple, right? Yet day after day, I'm still amazed to see one after the other come in, with claims of busted pumps, when their credit cards have huge dents in them. We're talking about Debit cards that have so many scratches on them, you couldn't give them away to Hobos. However, I digress, it's not just Gasoline pumps I'm worried about here. I could see how a few ancient creatures still roaming the earth might be confused by having to pump their own gas. I know, I'm from Massachusetts, and not every gas station up there is self-serve. No, these occurrences of ignorance, or rather afflictions, are prominent in most places of business, education and astonishingly enough ( or rather not so surprisingly) in the home. Think about how many times you've heard someone say, "My Internet is busted." A lot, right? What no on understands is that the Internet doesn't break. It's an inanimate, immaterial, thing! If anything, you're connection in broken, in which case, it's all your fault. This leads back to something else we definitely have to go over, people no taking responsibility for their actions, but that's another headache, chapter, whatever you want to call it.
I've come to understand that most of these problems are human error which is comprised of three main elements: Haste, carelessness, and fat fingers. We'll talk about fat people later (and try not to give'em a hard time, it really isn't their fault. Most of them anyways =/ ), but seriously this is something we need to think about. Here's an anecdote for you. I woke up one morning to the sound of my banshee wailing mother, spouting off something about her computer not working. Whatever, none of my concern, got bigger fish to fry, you know. Plus it had stormed the night before and my mother doesn't really buy good surge protectors so I figure the shit blew, and the motherboard or something was fried. Making my way into the kitchen, A chowed down on some Cap'n Crunch and enjoyed the sight of my mother freaking out over this "broken machine". that is until the keyboard came flying at my face, I ducked of course, and ended up with a Q in my cereal. She'd then told me that I was on it last and I'm always breaking her stuff and blah, blah, blah. Same old routine. I looked under the desk, and it wasn't plugged in. During the storm the night before, my father, wisely, unplugged the machine and went to bed. My mother, in her fit of rage, while thinking the computer was busted managed to destroy the speakers, mouse, and keyboard. What I'm saying is, you're more like to bust the machine than it cooks itself, you know?
As much as I can't stand outsourcing, those little Asian guys make some pretty sturdy shit for such cheap parts/labor. Perhaps I'm judging to harshly though. I did have the good fortune of growing up in an environment where the latest technology was readily available to me...I don't know who I'm trying to convince. All those people are fucking RETARDED.